Quick Intro to Vuex

Photo by Lavi Cella on Unsplash

Quick Intro to Vuex

the state management for Vue

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This article covers what Vuex is, the core concepts of Vuex, and how to get started with Vuex.

What is Vuex?

Vuex is a state management library that allows users to create a global store where they can store data such as variables, states, and methods. Vuex is useful when you need

  • data that will be used by multiple components

  • to handle complex state management

  • a centralized state management

  • to handle data management,

  • Vuex can also be used for debugging state changes and detecting issues in application state management.

  • promotes team collaboration as there is a central point of distribution for the data and state.

Additionally, Vuex follows the principles of Flux architecture, which includes unidirectional data flow and strict rules for updates to the state. The unidirectional data flow helps maintain the integrity of the state, making it easier to understand and debug the application.

But before we delve further, we need to understand what state management is and how Vuex helps with state management.

What is state management?

State management refers to the process of managing and controlling the state or data of an application. In web development, state refers to the data or variables that change and affect the behavior and rendering of web pages.

State management is crucial in large-scale and complex applications, as it ensures that the state is consistently and correctly managed across different parts of the application. A centralized state management approach helps to avoid inconsistencies, reduce duplication of data, and improve the overall maintainability of the application.

Vuex provides a centralized store for the state and a set of rules and methods for updating and accessing the state.

Core concepts of Vuex

The core concepts of Vuex include:

  1. Store

    A store is a centralized place where the state of an application is managed. It provides a way to share data and state across multiple components in a Vue application. The store can be considered a single source of truth that holds the application's state and makes it accessible to all components. It follows a predictable pattern and helps to maintain the integrity of data and keep the state management organized and easy to reason about.

  2. State

    "State" refers to the data managed by the store. The state represents the application's data and serves as the single source of truth for the entire application. All components in the application can access the state, but should never directly modify it. Instead, the state should only be modified through mutations, which provide a controlled and predictable way to update the state.

    The state is defined as an object in the store, and its properties represent the data that the store is responsible for managing.

  3. Mutations

    Mutations are the only way to update the state in a Vuex store. Mutations are synchronous operations that are used to modify the state in a store. Mutations are called by actions, which provide a way to perform asynchronous operations and commit mutations when the operation is complete. Mutations must be written in a pure and simple way and can be thought of as setters for the state. Each mutation has a string type and a handler function that takes the current state and a payload as arguments. The handler should perform the necessary state updates and return the updated state.

  4. Actions

    An "action" is a function that dispatches a mutation, which is a way to change the state in the store. Actions are used to perform asynchronous operations, such as making an API call and committing a mutation to update the state when the operation is complete. Unlike mutations, which are synchronous and should be pure and simple functions, actions can contain complex logic and perform complex operations.

  5. Getters

    A "getter" is a function that retrieves data from the store and returns it as a computed property. Getters provide a way to access store data as if it were a property of the component, allowing for easy and convenient access to the state. They can also be used to perform additional data transformations before returning the result.

  6. Modules

    Modules allow for splitting a store into smaller, self-contained modules, each with its state, mutations, actions, and getters. Modules provide a way to structure the store in a scalable and maintainable way, making it easier to manage a large and complex application.

    Each module can be thought of as a self-contained store, with its own state, mutations, actions, and getters. The state in a module is isolated from the state in other modules and can only be accessed and modified by the actions and mutations within the same module. Modules can also access the state and actions of other modules, making it possible to create complex and interconnected relationships between modules.

  7. Plugins

    Plugins are functions that can be used to extend the functionality of a Vuex store. Plugins interact with the store and add additional features or modify existing behavior. Plugins can be used to store the state in local storage or log each mutation or action among others.

  8. mapState, mapGetters, mapActions

    These are helper functions that can be used to map the state, getters, and actions from a store to the computed properties and methods of a Vue component, making it easier to access the store from a component.

Getting started with Vuex

Setting up Vuex in a Vue.js application involves the following steps:

  1. Installing Vuex: Vuex can be installed using npm or yarn by running the following command: npm install vuex or yarn add vuex

  2. Creating a store: The store can be created by creating a new instance of the Vuex.Store class and passing it an options object. The options object includes the state, mutations, actions, and getters properties.

  3. Registering the store: The store can be registered with the Vue instance using the store option in the Vue constructor:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'


const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: { ... },
  mutations: { ... },
  actions: { ... },
  getters: { ... }

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)
  1. Connecting to components: Components can access the store and its state, mutations, actions, and getters by using the mapState, mapGetters, and mapActions helper functions in the computed and methods properties of the component.
    {{ count }}
    <button @click="increment">Increment</button>

import { mapState, mapActions } from 'vuex'

export default {
  computed: {
  methods: {

Use case

One example use case for demonstrating the benefits of using Vuex could be in a large-scale single-page application with multiple components that need to share and update the same data. Without Vuex, this data could be passed down as props through multiple components, leading to a complex and difficult-to-maintain component tree.

With Vuex, a central store can be created to store and manage this shared data, and all components can access the store and make updates to it. This makes the data management process more organized and efficient, as changes to the data in the store will automatically be reflected in all components that use it, without the need for complex prop drilling. Additionally, Vuex also provides features such as mutation tracking, debugging tools, and middleware, which further aid in the development and maintenance of the application.


In conclusion, Vuex is a powerful state management tool for Vue.js applications. It helps to centralize and manage the state of your application in a centralized store, making it easier to track and update data throughout your application. With its clear and concise API, Vuex makes it easy to implement complex state management patterns, making your code more organized and maintainable. Whether you're building a small personal project or a large-scale enterprise application, Vuex is definitely worth considering to help you manage the state of your application.